"Financial Astrology for successful investors and traders"

Subscription rates investing edition are $300/annual; $99/Quarterly; $500/2 years.
Subscription rates trading edition are $500/annual;$1000/2 years; $150/Quarterly.
    After July 1: $1000/annual; $300 Quarterly.
Subscription rates professional edition are $5000/annual; $1500 Quarterly.
Stop reading Wall Street, Next Week, last week:  YES, I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE

Financial Astrology for the Successful Investor and Trader

May 27 Early Edition

3.   GOLD
5.   QUOTE

1. 6/4 Mars SD
6/13   New Moon 3:03p ET
6/21   Summer Solstice - Sun enters Cancer 3.49p ET
6/28   Full Moon 5.37p ET and Jupiter enters Taurus

Like many Wall Streeters, I am off for a four day weekend.  Expected light volume on Friday affords both profitable trading opportunities, and often gives investors favorable entrance/exits.  We plan to place a few bargain buys/sells whether executed or not.

Showing my age?  Optimism Soars Among Young Investors, Declines for Investors Over 30. Younger and older investors have divergent perceptions of the financial markets, with younger investors reflecting significantly higher levels of optimism than their older counterparts, according to the Index of Investor Optimism (SM). The Index shows that optimism among investors 30 and younger soared in May, as they expressed confidence in their abilities to achieve their investing goals, continued economic prosperity and government policies regarding savings and investing. In contrast, the Index shows that optimism declined among investors over 30, particularly regarding their confidence in achieving their individual financial goals.

As we approach THE END, our trading screen is watching 3 items:
) Bonds under 119 (especially the 6% scare),
2) GS under 70 (53 scare point),
3) Japan under 16,500 (under 15,000 panic time)
These are intermediate term signals, this market will continue to be a loser for the buy and hold crowd.

As to Tech stocks, with Saturn/Uranus coming, Wednesday's internet action was just a small preview - it is only a matter of a few weeks or even less that many tech stocks enter phase 1 i.e. 50% correction from their 52 week high..

If you wish to play safe, then buy July or September put options.
Conservative investors may wish to write July/September covered calls.

Key Dates: June 4
DJIA:         Shift from DJIA 10,000 support to 10,000 ceiling tests beginning soon
GOLD:       Trading Buy - Markers:  GOQ 270; XAU 60; ABX 17

3. 20 reasons to Buy/Not Buy GOLD by Sam Hewitt.

4.  WATCH OUT PFEIZER (PFE)!  Look out Viagra: here comes "Love Jet."
By Kerri Selland (Reuters) - "After more than 50 years in the invention business, Yoshiro NakaMats has migrated from disk drives to sex drives.  The man who claims to have invented the floppy disk says he will topple Viagra as the love drug of the century with Love Jet, a spray-on libido booster. "I have created many inventions in many areas," he said. "The most important area is human relations and happiness."

[Love Jet] comes in a small spray bottle and can be used by men and women. Just aim at the groin and fire.  NakaMats promises an immediate boost in sexual power. At age 71, he uses it frequently. "The results have been very good, excellent," he said.  Love Jet works by helping the body release the sex hormone DHEA, he said, adding that it is better than Viagra, made by Pfizer Inc., because it has all-natural ingredients and no side effects.

Love Jet also improves memory, he said, because the brain and sexual organs are interconnected. "One cannot function without the other, they work together," he said.
CAN'T WAIT FOR HIS IPO.  Is the REAL reason for PFE decline since March/April?  Perhaps, I will buy JNJ and Sell PFE to be safe.

5.  "Is playing the Lottery part of your investment strategy?"  Citibank
HW:  But "investing" in Internet stocks today is?

6.  PRICE INCREASES to celebrate the forthcoming Jupiter/Neptune squares!
Current GOLD subscribers (and Silver subscribers who wish to convert to Gold), please note we are increasing our trading subscriptions fees from $500 to $1000 per year.  You may add (or convert) your current subscription at the old price $500 for one year or $1000 for two years until the end of June.  Naturally, your old subscription will be extended from the end of your current one if a Gold subscriber, and will be prorated for current silver subscribers.  If is our intention to keep the silver investing subscription at $300 annual for the rest of the year.

7.  READER: Henry: You had predicted a test of $350 or $400 for gold this year. Your latest forecast is considerably lower at $300 by fall! Do you still stick by your original forecast? What are gold's prospects during the 4th quarter of 1999?
HW: We are quite bullish for third quarter, but given the insistence of the worlds' central banks to depress gold prices (to keep the public fooled about inflation?) plus the massive hedge fund gold shorts, we are using a more conservative target of $300-$325.  However, it is still possible to reach our original target this summer.

READER: I looked at your webpage and you have been crying about the market SINCE it went to up 9600...you kept saying that it will crash then, crash crash crash but the Dow is up to 11000 ...don't you feel really stupid for doing that?
Look at gold, its at a new low..... hahahahaha
HW: Now, I don't feel stupid.  I am not only glad to buy more gold at bargain basement prices, but have continued to recommend very successful technology shorts.  As to the broad market: We will see who is laughing or crying later this summer when the market is FAR below 9600.

READER: RE: THIS IS MORE EVIDENCE THE END IS NEAR. REMEMBER WC FIELD'S SAGE ADVICE: Don't join any club that would accept you as a member, it can't be that good! :)"
Thought that was Groucho Marks!
HW: My wife agrees with you and says Woody Allan was inspired by this as well. The key point is IPOS are now being offered to the public, not because the big boys care about you, but that most realize the jig is up.

READER: THOUGHTS ON CPQ. I've got 500 shares, hold or sell. I'm a long term investor.
HW: My answer is to sell.  Compaq, we continue to believe, will be an underperforming asset until the fall.  When it goes below 20-18, it could be considered a long term bargain, but that is 20-25% below current pricing.
We are holding few tech stocks ahead of Saturn/Uranus.  Note the performance of holding Oil stocks ahead of the recent Saturn/Neptune aspects. Exceptions are fallen angels like BAANF, and perhaps IBM, which will outperform the market, but even mighty IBM will strongly correct as well.

Can you AFFORD NOT to have FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY in your future?"

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"Can you afford NOT to have financial astrology in YOUR future?"
Stop reading Wall Street, Next Week, last week:  YES, I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions investing edition are $300 one year; $500 two years; new subscribers 3 month intro $99.
Subscription rates trading edition are $500/annual; $150/Quarterly. After July 1: $1000 annual/$300 quarterly.

Wednesdays, listen to our ABS radio program TRADING BY THE STARS. ************************************************************************************
Click Here for Money Minded.Click Here for Money Minded Financial Astrology.
(c) 1999 All rights reserved. The Astrologers Fund "Always a Stellar Performance"
wsnw@Afund.com 212/949-7211 Fax 212/949-7274 350 Lexington Avenue, 4th Floor New York, N.Y. 10016-0909 
May 14-16, 1999 SEVENTH Annual Astrology & Stock Market Conference NYC 
DISCLAIMER: PAST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE FORECASTING ACCURACY OR PROFITABLE TRADING RESULTS. The Astrologers Fund Accepts No Liability Whatsoever For Any Loss Arising From Any Use Of Its Report Or It's Contents. The Astrologers Fund Or Its Clients Usually Holds Positions In The Stocks and/or Market Instruments Mentioned And May Buy Or Sell At Any Time Without Notice. This Information Is In No Way A Representation To Buy Or Sell Securities, Bonds, Options Or Futures. This information is not intended to be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor.   ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR LICENSED FINANCIAL PLANNER OR BROKER BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ASTROLOGERS FUND.